This is a celebration of the fact that in a world where nothing makes sense, it's finally acceptable to just be me!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas brings out the stupid lyrics
Frankly, there is nothing more beautiful than a well-sung Christmas carol. Whereas I am accustomed to listening to the elegant as well as the traditional hokey carols, there are certain songs that I just can't hack.
The songs that grate my nerves the most are the ones with the stupid lyrics. Although, in saying that, I must add that songs sung by adults who pretend to be children, or, by adults who pretend to be animals, or, songs sung by cats, dogs or monkeys also bug the hell out of me. I also can't stand super sappy songs, like that one about the Christmas shoes. I understand that this makes me cold and insensitive, but, I never claimed to be nice.
The Beach Boys' "Little St. Nick" aggravates me to no end. The line that does it every time is: "Christmas comes this time each year." Um, yeah. It sure does. At least, that's what my calendar says. Why state the obvious? Were the creative forces behind the Beach Boys that hard up for a line?
In the 1980s hit by Band Aid, called "Do they know it's Christmas?" there are plenty of what I'd consider stupid lyrics. This song, released in the mid-80s, was written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, who collected a group of their British chums (including the likes of Sting, The Police, U2, Culture Club...) in order to create a song that would help to fight the famine in Africa. It was a nice idea, however, knowing that the song was written as a relief for the famine in Africa, one has to question the true meaning of these lyrics. The title, alone, wreaks of ignorance. "Do they know it's Christmas?" I'm assuming here, but, since Christmas is a holiday which celebrates the birth of Christ, and is, in fact, a Christian holiday (let's not even get into the history of that right now), it would be safe to assume that the Africans who were affected by the famine were not Christians (although, Western Religion has made its way to Africa, it's by no means the central religion of the region).
How is it that a song meant to raise funds to help the starving can also belittle them and still be played each year? Take a look at the following lyrics: "Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you." Granted, this line was written so that the world (or Britain) would appreciate the fact that it isn't starving... but it still seems rather ill-intended. The next awful line (or two), "Here's to you, raise a glass for everyone. Here's to them, underneath that burning sun." is hideous as well. The message: Here are these poor Africans, starving, so, let's drink and toast to them.
Finally, and this is the worst line in the song... "And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time." Yeah. Um... would someone please tell Bob and Midge that Africa NEVER gets snow?
Now, before you go on to assume that I'm a complete Grinch, keep in mind that I love songs like "Silent Night" and "Hark the Herald Angels" and "The Messiah." It's not that I hate Christmas, I just hate stupid songs. And if I have to hear that hippopotamus song, or the freakin' chipmunks or "Grandma got runover by a reindeer" one more time, something's going down.
The songs that grate my nerves the most are the ones with the stupid lyrics. Although, in saying that, I must add that songs sung by adults who pretend to be children, or, by adults who pretend to be animals, or, songs sung by cats, dogs or monkeys also bug the hell out of me. I also can't stand super sappy songs, like that one about the Christmas shoes. I understand that this makes me cold and insensitive, but, I never claimed to be nice.
The Beach Boys' "Little St. Nick" aggravates me to no end. The line that does it every time is: "Christmas comes this time each year." Um, yeah. It sure does. At least, that's what my calendar says. Why state the obvious? Were the creative forces behind the Beach Boys that hard up for a line?
In the 1980s hit by Band Aid, called "Do they know it's Christmas?" there are plenty of what I'd consider stupid lyrics. This song, released in the mid-80s, was written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, who collected a group of their British chums (including the likes of Sting, The Police, U2, Culture Club...) in order to create a song that would help to fight the famine in Africa. It was a nice idea, however, knowing that the song was written as a relief for the famine in Africa, one has to question the true meaning of these lyrics. The title, alone, wreaks of ignorance. "Do they know it's Christmas?" I'm assuming here, but, since Christmas is a holiday which celebrates the birth of Christ, and is, in fact, a Christian holiday (let's not even get into the history of that right now), it would be safe to assume that the Africans who were affected by the famine were not Christians (although, Western Religion has made its way to Africa, it's by no means the central religion of the region).
How is it that a song meant to raise funds to help the starving can also belittle them and still be played each year? Take a look at the following lyrics: "Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you." Granted, this line was written so that the world (or Britain) would appreciate the fact that it isn't starving... but it still seems rather ill-intended. The next awful line (or two), "Here's to you, raise a glass for everyone. Here's to them, underneath that burning sun." is hideous as well. The message: Here are these poor Africans, starving, so, let's drink and toast to them.
Finally, and this is the worst line in the song... "And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time." Yeah. Um... would someone please tell Bob and Midge that Africa NEVER gets snow?
Now, before you go on to assume that I'm a complete Grinch, keep in mind that I love songs like "Silent Night" and "Hark the Herald Angels" and "The Messiah." It's not that I hate Christmas, I just hate stupid songs. And if I have to hear that hippopotamus song, or the freakin' chipmunks or "Grandma got runover by a reindeer" one more time, something's going down.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Not Made in America
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
A Zetti style Deco
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Annie's Birthday
Yesterday was Annie's birthday. She's now five-years-old! She asked me the night before her birthday, "When I'm five, when I wake up, will I be able to swim?"
I had to laugh. I seem to recall birthdays holding magic like that, too. It's too bad that magic has to fade. Wouldn't life be grand if it were magical?
My friends, Missi, Troy and Alli hosted the party for Annie. I am so blessed to have such good friends! The party became a pony pool party, and it was good fun for all!
As far as my broken relationship is concerned, each day is a struggle. It's very difficult to understand why this has happened, especially when I thought all was quite well. I wish I knew what was going through his head... but... I can't... and even if I could... I doubt that would change anything.
Life isn't always fair, but, at least it's life.
I had to laugh. I seem to recall birthdays holding magic like that, too. It's too bad that magic has to fade. Wouldn't life be grand if it were magical?
My friends, Missi, Troy and Alli hosted the party for Annie. I am so blessed to have such good friends! The party became a pony pool party, and it was good fun for all!
As far as my broken relationship is concerned, each day is a struggle. It's very difficult to understand why this has happened, especially when I thought all was quite well. I wish I knew what was going through his head... but... I can't... and even if I could... I doubt that would change anything.
Life isn't always fair, but, at least it's life.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Life is not always great
Today has totally sucked, for lack of a better way of saying it. I can't believe my relationship with Ed is over. I can't believe he cheated on me. I'm no Hilary Clinton, and I can't accept it. (Well, I'm no Hilary Clinton for many many reasons... including her strength, intelligence and perseverance.)
So, I'm thinking about having to enter into the whole dating arena again, and it really sickens me. I don't want to do that. I like my comfort zone way too much! What I'm really saying is that I will be single forever now.
Why? Because this experience was one bad experience too many for me. I don't think I can handle any more.
The weather outside is wickedly thunderous. I think I'll go to bed and know that "tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it." There's some good "Green Gables" for ya!
So, I'm thinking about having to enter into the whole dating arena again, and it really sickens me. I don't want to do that. I like my comfort zone way too much! What I'm really saying is that I will be single forever now.
Why? Because this experience was one bad experience too many for me. I don't think I can handle any more.
The weather outside is wickedly thunderous. I think I'll go to bed and know that "tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it." There's some good "Green Gables" for ya!
Friday, July 21, 2006
A Homemade Whirligig

My father has been making these ever since I bought him a $2 "how-to-make whirligigs" book at a garage sale. He carves them himself, and, frankly, I think they are exquisite! My father is a perfectionist when he does anything, so these are as perfect as you can imagine! If you want one, contact me!
The windmill portion spins, the woman's arms go up and down, as does the churner, and it also spins from its base, so it acts as a weather vane, as well! These things are spectacular!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
An Older Find
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Flea Market Find

Look at what I found in a $3 stack of ephemera today!! Isn't this just the coolest? Based on the outfit and hair, I'd say this is Civil War era, for sure!! What do YOU think??? It's copper on the backside, by the way... and since my old photo knowledge is nil... would this be a tin type??? I wouldn't think so... but it is a metal photo.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Baby Tigger
Tigger and Annie

This is, perhaps, the oldest surviving photograph of Annie with Tigger. Her classic Tigger is still her best friend and I'm sure she'll treasure him forever. She loved him instantly, and we've gone through about six or seven of them. I don't know how they become lost, but, I'm always on the search for new ones... for prosperity's sake... and for Annie's sake!!
Must be time for bed!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Just thinking...
I've often wondered if anyone reads my blog. I'm not so good at keeping up with it, though part of that has to do with the vertigo I've been battling for the past two weeks. Prior to that, I blame the end of the semester workload.
At any rate, I do like to know that people read this. I was glad to see someone commented on the India-Tibet Deco I'd made. Thank you for your compliments!
I'd like to keep links on this page, but, as a blogger newbie, I'm not quite sure how to create that type of a section. I have the feeling it has more to do with the layout I chose. If anyone can help me with this little task, please comment!
I've found some old magazines, old found photos and other ephemera as I was cleaning this past weekend, and I think I just might share some of the cool stuff with you. We'll see what happens...
At any rate, I do like to know that people read this. I was glad to see someone commented on the India-Tibet Deco I'd made. Thank you for your compliments!
I'd like to keep links on this page, but, as a blogger newbie, I'm not quite sure how to create that type of a section. I have the feeling it has more to do with the layout I chose. If anyone can help me with this little task, please comment!
I've found some old magazines, old found photos and other ephemera as I was cleaning this past weekend, and I think I just might share some of the cool stuff with you. We'll see what happens...
Your eyes
-- flitting
and flitting
Not giving me a chance
to see them for
any amount of time
There in the gut
lies recycled adrenaline
nauseates and
Nothing is sacred when
you end my
sentences with
Goosebumps reach
each nook of flesh
and cause pit to squirm ill.
You wanted a pickle
I don't care.
(Something's awry when the pickles you purchase are wrapped in plastic and kept in a shoebox in the closet down the hall).
Apathy is
a sardonic
book allowing you
to speak but
showing your age and
lack of maturity and
lack of responsibility and
lack of respect.
A token of your
love reads
and the words
I write will go
you will glance
or even read
you will never
I want the adrenaline
to die or diminish
but it rests within
flowing more boldly
than blood.
-akalvig 2000
Your eyes
-- flitting
and flitting
Not giving me a chance
to see them for
any amount of time
There in the gut
lies recycled adrenaline
nauseates and
Nothing is sacred when
you end my
sentences with
Goosebumps reach
each nook of flesh
and cause pit to squirm ill.
You wanted a pickle
I don't care.
(Something's awry when the pickles you purchase are wrapped in plastic and kept in a shoebox in the closet down the hall).
Apathy is
a sardonic
book allowing you
to speak but
showing your age and
lack of maturity and
lack of responsibility and
lack of respect.
A token of your
love reads
and the words
I write will go
you will glance
or even read
you will never
I want the adrenaline
to die or diminish
but it rests within
flowing more boldly
than blood.
-akalvig 2000
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Alisdale Drive
-Alisdale Drive-
The wind whistles
a quasi-oriental lullaby
through the rusty steel-framed window
of my apartment and
I realize this is the first time
I’ve lived alone in this city.
I didn’t want a roommate.
I thought I’d get more studying done that way,
but this catharsis frightens me.
I can’t forget the feel of his hands
over my mouth
or his knees digging into my arms.
Plastic on the windows will keep out the draft.
By Amy Kalvig
The wind whistles
a quasi-oriental lullaby
through the rusty steel-framed window
of my apartment and
I realize this is the first time
I’ve lived alone in this city.
I didn’t want a roommate.
I thought I’d get more studying done that way,
but this catharsis frightens me.
I can’t forget the feel of his hands
over my mouth
or his knees digging into my arms.
Plastic on the windows will keep out the draft.
By Amy Kalvig
A Poem For Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Picnics didn’t cease
when the dry pavement
became coated in mash.
Former life trickled
and mixed with it
while the cops
tried to figure out
what happened.
A fat lady with a pretty face
claimed a deer ran into
the path of the truck carrying oranges
so the driver swerved to miss it,
hitting the Budweiser truck
and forcing both off the road.
The cop took notes while the paramedics
placed two bodies on stretchers.
The Lincoln arrived on the scene
And the coroner jumped out.
“They’re dead,” he said. He handed the EMT
some papers, signed his name and headed back to his golf game.
“Let’s get this highway cleared,”
said the cop, kicking a few broken Bud bottles
off the pavement.
“What a waste,” said a man
in a dingy Monster truck t-shirt.
“What a waste.”
“Yeah,” the cop agreed,
picking up a broken Bud.
“Let’s get this highway cleared.”
Picnics didn’t cease
when the dry pavement
became coated in mash.
Former life trickled
and mixed with it
while the cops
tried to figure out
what happened.
A fat lady with a pretty face
claimed a deer ran into
the path of the truck carrying oranges
so the driver swerved to miss it,
hitting the Budweiser truck
and forcing both off the road.
The cop took notes while the paramedics
placed two bodies on stretchers.
The Lincoln arrived on the scene
And the coroner jumped out.
“They’re dead,” he said. He handed the EMT
some papers, signed his name and headed back to his golf game.
“Let’s get this highway cleared,”
said the cop, kicking a few broken Bud bottles
off the pavement.
“What a waste,” said a man
in a dingy Monster truck t-shirt.
“What a waste.”
“Yeah,” the cop agreed,
picking up a broken Bud.
“Let’s get this highway cleared.”
New Decos and FBs
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Another FB
Friendship Books (FBs)

This is a friendship book that I recently made.
Friendship books are little booklets that one makes for another person. It has a distinctive cover, and empty pages inside.
The idea here is to send the booklet to a friend, and have her sign it (with her name, address, hobbies, etc.) and then pass it on. When the book is completed, then the last person to sign it must send it back to the person for whom it was made.
Most times, each page is decorated by the person who signs it. When the books are highly decorated, they are called Decos.
This one is the size of an FB, but has the decor of a Deco.
Decos are generally a bit larger, to accommodate the embellishments.
I love doing these, but haven't made them since high school, which was a good 20 years ago!
She's HOME!!!!!!!!!
Lucky is now home with us, resting and wagging her tail!!!
I so wish that I could afford one of those wonderful cushy doggie beds for her... we went through all of my extra blankets (which had to be discarded after the labor ickies)... and all I have for her is an old body pillow, which doesn't quite fit her body.
She's so happy to be home, but she's oh, so tired... poor baby!
The nurses at the Vet's office said that they're really going to miss Lucky, because she's just such a good dog and a great patient. Bless her heart!!
I'm so happy to have her home, again!!!!!
Thank you, everyone, for all of your prayers and kind thoughts!!!
I so wish that I could afford one of those wonderful cushy doggie beds for her... we went through all of my extra blankets (which had to be discarded after the labor ickies)... and all I have for her is an old body pillow, which doesn't quite fit her body.
She's so happy to be home, but she's oh, so tired... poor baby!
The nurses at the Vet's office said that they're really going to miss Lucky, because she's just such a good dog and a great patient. Bless her heart!!
I'm so happy to have her home, again!!!!!
Thank you, everyone, for all of your prayers and kind thoughts!!!
Lucky Pic
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sooooo Loving
Tricia and I took Annie to the Animal Hospital to visit Lucky tonight. She seems to be doing well. Her color is back to almost normal and she was so loving toward us all.
She is definitely tired and in pain, however, she looked fairly good. Her shaven pink belly was, well, pink and she had a band of bright green and yellow tape holding in her IV.
She nuzzled us and just let us love her and she wagged her tail the whole time. It was so sweet! Her face showed exhaustion, but her tail was just a-wagging and a-wagging!
Thank God for answering our prayers!!
She is definitely tired and in pain, however, she looked fairly good. Her shaven pink belly was, well, pink and she had a band of bright green and yellow tape holding in her IV.
She nuzzled us and just let us love her and she wagged her tail the whole time. It was so sweet! Her face showed exhaustion, but her tail was just a-wagging and a-wagging!
Thank God for answering our prayers!!
Status: Critical
The surgery is over and there are no surviving puppies. This may become graphic, so those of you who might be upset by the details, please beware.
The puppies were in various stages of being absorbed back into the body. This means that they all died at various times throughout the pregnancy. Some of them were mere skeletons, while others had fur. I never asked how many. It's pointless now.
Lucky lost a tremendous amount of blood during the surgery and she is in critical condition. The doctor said that it was not a good idea to visit her. He said, "We'll have to keep her here overnight, at least tonight."
He also told me to check back throughout the afternoon to learn of her status.
So, we lost the puppies, but, we may lose Lucky. If we lose her... I can't even think about that.
The puppies were in various stages of being absorbed back into the body. This means that they all died at various times throughout the pregnancy. Some of them were mere skeletons, while others had fur. I never asked how many. It's pointless now.
Lucky lost a tremendous amount of blood during the surgery and she is in critical condition. The doctor said that it was not a good idea to visit her. He said, "We'll have to keep her here overnight, at least tonight."
He also told me to check back throughout the afternoon to learn of her status.
So, we lost the puppies, but, we may lose Lucky. If we lose her... I can't even think about that.
Lucky is undergoing a C-Section right now.
According to the Vet, there is no way to know if the puppies are viable. I'm terrified of losing them and Lucky.
Lucky is as much my child as Annie, and loved as much!
I'm so nervous and scared and just sick over this. Four nights without sleep doesn't help, either.
Please pray for her.
According to the Vet, there is no way to know if the puppies are viable. I'm terrified of losing them and Lucky.
Lucky is as much my child as Annie, and loved as much!
I'm so nervous and scared and just sick over this. Four nights without sleep doesn't help, either.
Please pray for her.
Another Lucky Update
The dog is not experiencing any labor signs.
Her surgery is at 8:30 today.
Let's pray the puppies are viable.
Her surgery is at 8:30 today.
Let's pray the puppies are viable.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Nothing yet
Lucky had two shots of Oxytocin at the Vet's office before she came back home with me. Oxytocin is the Pitocin of the doggie world, and it is meant to induce labor. Well, it didn't work. Lucky is still NOT PRODUCING PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm down to my last ditch attempt at getting her into the last stages of labor. I'm going upstairs to take a shower and I'm going to put on clean clothes. If Oxytocin didn't do it, that surely will.
Lucky's surgery is scheduled for the morning.
Thanks for the prayers!
I'm down to my last ditch attempt at getting her into the last stages of labor. I'm going upstairs to take a shower and I'm going to put on clean clothes. If Oxytocin didn't do it, that surely will.
Lucky's surgery is scheduled for the morning.
Thanks for the prayers!
Inducing or C-Section
Having a baby is never an easy task, though we often don't think about it in those terms.
I've just returned from the Vet's office and Lucky had an x-ray which illustrated at least four puppies, and, an unidentified large mass, which the Vet believes is a folded-over uterus.
Lucky has been induced and if labor doesn't occur within the next two hours (it's 3:45 p.m.EST), then the pups will be removed surgically.
Prayers are requested and very much needed and appreciated.
I've just returned from the Vet's office and Lucky had an x-ray which illustrated at least four puppies, and, an unidentified large mass, which the Vet believes is a folded-over uterus.
Lucky has been induced and if labor doesn't occur within the next two hours (it's 3:45 p.m.EST), then the pups will be removed surgically.
Prayers are requested and very much needed and appreciated.
Lucky Update 2.0
In one half hour, I am taking Lucky to the Vet's office.
She is having NO contractions and NO discharge.
No puppies have entered our world.
This is frustrating. I hate waiting!!!! LOL
She is having NO contractions and NO discharge.
No puppies have entered our world.
This is frustrating. I hate waiting!!!! LOL
Lucky Update
It's 9:20 a.m. and still, no puppies. In fact, Lucky is acting like she isn't planning on having them any time soon. Her ears, all of a sudden, are perk and happy, and she is no longer in pain. I would have thought the whole thing was a joke if the Vet hadn't said she was going to have them now.
I'm baffled and am not sure what else I can do. Isn't that strange that we feel like we need to push her along? She'll have them when she's ready, but we're so anxious, we want them NOW!!!
I'm baffled and am not sure what else I can do. Isn't that strange that we feel like we need to push her along? She'll have them when she's ready, but we're so anxious, we want them NOW!!!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Lucky in Labor!!!!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
In her Easter bonnet
Friday, February 10, 2006
New from Hearts In Touch Stamps!

This sheet of unmounted rubber stamps by is a favorite of mine, for many reasons, but, because each person on this sheet comes from my family! I'm sure you'll recognize a few photos if you click on January's logfile!
I'm so excited that Frances chose these photos!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Altered India
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Ed and Gramma

I love this photograph, taken for, I think, based on the long sleeves, Thanksgiving Dinner way back in the 90s. Gramma loved Ed so much! I did, too... and still do! I wish Gramma knew that Ed and I are back together. I wonder what she'd say?
Come to think of it, the window is open and there are tomatoes on the window sill, which makes me think it might just be a family dinner of some sort. I can't imagine what kind of dinner it might be, if it's not Thanksgiving. Mom doesn't use the good china for just any ole thing. Oh well. This one gets to remain a mystery!! I'm thinking the year was 1998, because of the high chair. Pre-then, there weren't babies to put in a high chair, as Matthew was born in September 1997. I should allow the photo to speak for itself, but sometimes, I can't hold back!! LOL
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Zetti Betti

I'd been seeing the phrase Zetti Art in magazines and in my swap groups, and it was driving me crazy! I had to know more about this style of art.
A little research, and I learned more about Zetti style, and decided to give it a shot. Of course, everything I make has a touch of me in it, and this is no exception!
Betti is wild, posable and I love her shoes!
Monday, January 23, 2006
A Girl and Her Pony

It's really neat to see my poetry made into a rubber stamp! I just love the fact that there are people out there using it to embellish their artwork... as I have done with mine. So, I'm a little cheeky, but, what the heck? I loved the painting I did with the horses (a rubber stamp I have from but it doesn't show up in the scan. Oh well!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Lute Lady
Tag Art
Emily ATC
Angel Page
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Kitty sits on my bed
as I write this.
My typing annoys her.
Half drunk bottles of Mountain Dew
sheer pink polish and Obsession
seize my space,
with unopened packages of pens,
a mug of pennies and a bottle of
Spice Islands whole cloves.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
stole my bookshelf,
along with Gertrude Stein,
a few cookbooks
and my Precious Moments Bible.
48 dolphins swim in the
dust of my dresser.
This room is not mine.
I was never meant to be here.
Kenny said I could stay
until I was on my feet
again, so
he’s shacking in the basement,
and I’m here
writing about nothing.
Kitty sits on my bed
as I write this.
My typing annoys her.
Half drunk bottles of Mountain Dew
sheer pink polish and Obsession
seize my space,
with unopened packages of pens,
a mug of pennies and a bottle of
Spice Islands whole cloves.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
stole my bookshelf,
along with Gertrude Stein,
a few cookbooks
and my Precious Moments Bible.
48 dolphins swim in the
dust of my dresser.
This room is not mine.
I was never meant to be here.
Kenny said I could stay
until I was on my feet
again, so
he’s shacking in the basement,
and I’m here
writing about nothing.
He comes home from work
and heads straight for the basement
where his bed rests next to
empty beer cans, dirty clothes
and big boxes of my books and stuff.
We never talk
because he’s never home.
I’m never home.
Never’s a weird word,
I want to say neever.
Tuesday night,
he and Jolene and Mom
and I played Jeopardy
and he kicked our asses.
Funny how a kid who
got kicked out of Kent State twice
could be so damned smart.
I like that in a brother.
People say he’s
really funny,
nice and polite,
that he looks like
Adam Sandler
or Ben Affleck
or David Schwimmer.
I think that’s all true.
It’s too bad we
don’t know
each other.
He comes home from work
and heads straight for the basement
where his bed rests next to
empty beer cans, dirty clothes
and big boxes of my books and stuff.
We never talk
because he’s never home.
I’m never home.
Never’s a weird word,
I want to say neever.
Tuesday night,
he and Jolene and Mom
and I played Jeopardy
and he kicked our asses.
Funny how a kid who
got kicked out of Kent State twice
could be so damned smart.
I like that in a brother.
People say he’s
really funny,
nice and polite,
that he looks like
Adam Sandler
or Ben Affleck
or David Schwimmer.
I think that’s all true.
It’s too bad we
don’t know
each other.
Never the Norm
Never the norm
Some of the girls in the neighborhood
held Kool-Aid stands to support their Barbie habits,
but Beth and I painted rocks.
We gathered them from the driveway,
washed them with the hose
and used watercolors to spruce them up.
Little ones were a penny a piece
while big ones sold for a nickel.
We never had leftovers.
Some of the girls in the neighborhood
held Kool-Aid stands to support their Barbie habits,
but Beth and I painted rocks.
We gathered them from the driveway,
washed them with the hose
and used watercolors to spruce them up.
Little ones were a penny a piece
while big ones sold for a nickel.
We never had leftovers.
One Big Happy Family!

This was taken about ten years ago, but it's the most recent family photo we have.
Let's see... I think Dad and Mom are obvious, as is Kenny. I'm the one in the middle... Sarah's on the left and Beth is on the right.
I can't believe I wore that necklace, too! What a dork!!! It was a pewter necklace... heart shaped peace sign... and it was made out of tiny little roses... and on a black rattail necklace. UGH!
Matching Scholastic Funk-a-Delic

I can't believe how much Beth and I loved those outfits! The hats were funked out, too! My mother made them, and Beth and I generally matched, even though we're a year apart. I'm the one in the blue. Nice blink!! Apparently, I wasn't very photogenic when I was four-years-old!! But... I was hip!! LOL
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Backstage Mindset
Backstage mind set
By Amy Kalvig
The curtain closes
and my words flow,
articulating each syllable.
I’ve created a scene of intellect and academia
during our back stage intermission,
but the sad testosterone truth is
you’re talking to my chest.
The x-ray coming from your eyes
feels creepy and gross
and I’ve felt that way before.
If I hadn’t agreed to be a wench in this production,
you might have found me poignant.
By Amy Kalvig
The curtain closes
and my words flow,
articulating each syllable.
I’ve created a scene of intellect and academia
during our back stage intermission,
but the sad testosterone truth is
you’re talking to my chest.
The x-ray coming from your eyes
feels creepy and gross
and I’ve felt that way before.
If I hadn’t agreed to be a wench in this production,
you might have found me poignant.
A poem I wrote
Your eyes -- flitting.
Golden and flitting.
Not giving me
a chance
to see them
for any amount of time.
There in the gut
lies recycled adrenaline
which nauseates and irritates.
Nothing is sacred
when you end
my sentences with
I don't care.
Goosebumps reach
each nook of flesh
and cause the pit
to squirm ill.
You wanted a pickle
I don't care.
(Something's awry
when the pickles
you purchase are
wrapped in plastic
and kept in a shoebox
in the closet
down the hall).
Apathy is a sardonic book
allowing you to speak
but showing your age
and lack of maturity
and lack of responsibility
and lack of respect.
A token of your love
reads apathetic indignity
indigent apathetic
and the words I write will go
because you will glance
or even read
but you
will never understand
I want
the adrenaline
to die
or diminish
but it rests
more boldly
than blood.
~~~Amy Kalvig
Lucky Smith

This is Ed's dog, Lucky. She is a beautiful Golden Retriever, and she's ever so friendly and sweet. Her coat is always so shiny, and she smiles when she's happy! As you can see, she is missing a paw. She was born without it, and she manages quite well. Lucky is incredibly camera shy, and even without using a flash, she cringes at the sight of the small machine! We adore her!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
So Long Ago
Grandma Perkins
Moonlight Savings Time
Last night
When the moon was full,
I looked for Gramma’s sign.
It never came
We’d made a pact that when she went,
She’d come back to me as a shooting star
Across the full moon.
But she never came
Maybe she won’t.
Maybe, when you die,
You’re just dead.
I sometimes think
She chooses not to come
Because she’s angry.
Gramma was always
Very wise and patient
But I read in one of her journals
She was upset with me once before
When she thought I was pregnant.
I wasn’t,
But I don’t think it’s ironic
She died right after she learned
I was pregnant last year.
I think it rendered
Our star/moon agreement
Null and void.
By Amy Kalvig
When the moon was full,
I looked for Gramma’s sign.
It never came
We’d made a pact that when she went,
She’d come back to me as a shooting star
Across the full moon.
But she never came
Maybe she won’t.
Maybe, when you die,
You’re just dead.
I sometimes think
She chooses not to come
Because she’s angry.
Gramma was always
Very wise and patient
But I read in one of her journals
She was upset with me once before
When she thought I was pregnant.
I wasn’t,
But I don’t think it’s ironic
She died right after she learned
I was pregnant last year.
I think it rendered
Our star/moon agreement
Null and void.
By Amy Kalvig
Who am I?
I am an artist who cannot paint, but who has not given up the hobby. I am a writer who struggles for the perfect metaphor. I am a student who believes education never ends. I am a daughter who will never be good enough and a granddaughter in mourning. I am the mother of the child who grows within my womb. I am scared and hurt, strong and sincere. I am one who dwells on the past because it was comfortable then, and one who lives for the future because that’s the only way in which to find hope. I am a teacher and a mentor, a lover and a companion. I am defined by people who look at me and do not know me, as much as by people who love me and do not know me. I am Amy Elizabeth Anne Kalvig and that’s good enough for me.
A poem
Invasive desire
The chilly flame trembles
Wishing hearsay of something exact
Skyrockets make holes in the walls
As water melts sugar
Who builds walls with honey?
Her colorless coat was sprayed with soil guard
She dropped it on the mirror.
Not everything means something, she said.
Songs cooperate and walls crystallize
Start it exactly but slow
And hurry!
There are regulations that must be obeyed
When the story is pink
But there’s journey that’s gray
And a tot
For petrified harmony
And maybe Paul was right
And we are amazed
The chilly flame trembles
Wishing hearsay of something exact
Skyrockets make holes in the walls
As water melts sugar
Who builds walls with honey?
Her colorless coat was sprayed with soil guard
She dropped it on the mirror.
Not everything means something, she said.
Songs cooperate and walls crystallize
Start it exactly but slow
And hurry!
There are regulations that must be obeyed
When the story is pink
But there’s journey that’s gray
And a tot
For petrified harmony
And maybe Paul was right
And we are amazed
Spoiled Girl

This is my beloved daughter. She's wearing a shirt that says "Spoiled Rotten by Papa," which makes sense, since she is.
My daughter and I are very tight, and sometimes, we act more like sisters than mother and daughter, which is scary, since she's a pre-schooler!
Nonetheless, we have a great relationship and I hope that never changes!
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