I love this photograph, taken for, I think, based on the long sleeves, Thanksgiving Dinner way back in the 90s. Gramma loved Ed so much! I did, too... and still do! I wish Gramma knew that Ed and I are back together. I wonder what she'd say?
Come to think of it, the window is open and there are tomatoes on the window sill, which makes me think it might just be a family dinner of some sort. I can't imagine what kind of dinner it might be, if it's not Thanksgiving. Mom doesn't use the good china for just any ole thing. Oh well. This one gets to remain a mystery!! I'm thinking the year was 1998, because of the high chair. Pre-then, there weren't babies to put in a high chair, as Matthew was born in September 1997. I should allow the photo to speak for itself, but sometimes, I can't hold back!! LOL