Saturday, January 07, 2006

A poem I wrote

Your eyes -- flitting.
Golden and flitting.
Not giving me
a chance
to see them
for any amount of time.
There in the gut
lies recycled adrenaline
which nauseates and irritates.
Nothing is sacred
when you end
my sentences with
I don't care.
Goosebumps reach
each nook of flesh
and cause the pit
to squirm ill.
You wanted a pickle
I don't care.
(Something's awry
when the pickles
you purchase are
wrapped in plastic
and kept in a shoebox
in the closet
down the hall).
Apathy is a sardonic book
allowing you to speak
but showing your age
and lack of maturity
and lack of responsibility
and lack of respect.
A token of your love
reads apathetic indignity
indigent apathetic
and the words I write will go
because you will glance
or even read
but you
will never understand
I want
the adrenaline
to die
or diminish
but it rests
more boldly
than blood.
~~~Amy Kalvig

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