Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Status: Critical

The surgery is over and there are no surviving puppies. This may become graphic, so those of you who might be upset by the details, please beware.

The puppies were in various stages of being absorbed back into the body. This means that they all died at various times throughout the pregnancy. Some of them were mere skeletons, while others had fur. I never asked how many. It's pointless now.

Lucky lost a tremendous amount of blood during the surgery and she is in critical condition. The doctor said that it was not a good idea to visit her. He said, "We'll have to keep her here overnight, at least tonight."

He also told me to check back throughout the afternoon to learn of her status.

So, we lost the puppies, but, we may lose Lucky. If we lose her... I can't even think about that.


Anonymous said...

Amy ... my heart bleeds for you, your family and for your dear Lucky! Our 4-legged babies are indeed as close as our children. My prayers and positive wishes are with you. Hang in there!!!! gg

Anonymous said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with Lucky and your family. Hope you hear good news soon today. Julie

Anonymous said...

Amy, I am so very sorry to hear about the puppies. Hopefully their mama will be okay.........and you too!

Frances Naeve

Elena said...

Oh sweetie...

I am so sorry to hear the news. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for her recovery...



Anonymous said...

Amy,, God made dogs to and those that say you make to much over an animal never had a dog love them unconditionally,,, I know Lucky is the lucky one to have you for a master. I hope she is ok,, and that she makes a full recovery and you to... Becky Moore